Give your opinion about the Science Project

We have finished the project and we want to know your opinion.

Remember that to give your opinion you can use some sentences like...

I really/quite liked... because...
I enjoyed working/doing...
I didn't like the project because...

Happy Easter!!!!

10 comentarios:

  1. Anónimo11:24:00

    Hey guys! I really enjoyed working with you. You've grown and learnt a lot! See you!

    Montse Ro

  2. Hello everybody!!!!!

    I also enjoyed a lot working with all of you!!!! We have learned a lot about London.

  3. Anónimo18:27:00

    Hello Esther and Montse. M'agradat el projecte perque he apres moltes coses. El dibuix que mes m'agradat a sigut el de la Xènia.Bona setmana santa!!!!!!!

  4. Remember that you have to sign your comments.


  5. Anónimo23:45:00

    Hello! Esther and MontseI I'm Amani I love this project.Ara se més coses de London.I love la tapa de la Xenia es molt original i molt maca!

  6. Anónimo16:23:00

    Hello Esther and Montse, I love this project!!! M'agradaria repetir-lo!!! BYE BYE!!!

  7. Anónimo15:44:00

    Hi I am Lorena of 6èA.

    It seems to me to be very interesting to learn things of a city as dynamic as London.

    We have amused ourselves very much with the projecto i us to seemed a virtual visit to London.

    See you soon.

  8. Anónimo20:06:00

    Hello Esther and Montse.I´m Nazha .M´agradat el projecta.També m´han agradat tots els dibuixos.

  9. Anónimo21:05:00

    Bello Esther and Montse.I'm Zaira. I really like the science project, the two covers of the project looks very cool.
    See you next day .

  10. Anónimo18:34:00

    Hi I'm Paula of 6thB.
    I love this project .I loved talking about London.

    see you later.
