We have finished the project and we want to know your opinion.
Remember that to give your opinion you can use some sentences like...
I really/quite liked... because...
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Happy Easter!!!!
Hey guys! I really enjoyed working with you. You've grown and learnt a lot! See you!
ResponderEliminarMontse Ro
Hello everybody!!!!!
ResponderEliminarI also enjoyed a lot working with all of you!!!! We have learned a lot about London.
Hello Esther and Montse. M'agradat el projecte perque he apres moltes coses. El dibuix que mes m'agradat a sigut el de la Xènia.Bona setmana santa!!!!!!!
ResponderEliminarRemember that you have to sign your comments.
Hello! Esther and MontseI I'm Amani I love this project.Ara se més coses de London.I love la tapa de la Xenia es molt original i molt maca!
ResponderEliminarHello Esther and Montse, I love this project!!! M'agradaria repetir-lo!!! BYE BYE!!!
ResponderEliminarHi I am Lorena of 6èA.
ResponderEliminarIt seems to me to be very interesting to learn things of a city as dynamic as London.
We have amused ourselves very much with the projecto i us to seemed a virtual visit to London.
See you soon.
Hello Esther and Montse.I´m Nazha .M´agradat el projecta.També m´han agradat tots els dibuixos.
ResponderEliminarBello Esther and Montse.I'm Zaira. I really like the science project, the two covers of the project looks very cool.
ResponderEliminarSee you next day .
Hi I'm Paula of 6thB.
ResponderEliminarI love this project .I loved talking about London.
see you later.